Blog Summary

Content AIs like ChatGPT are all the rage right now, with many companies hoping they will reduce or even replace their copywriting investment. There are pros to these AIs, but we believe they are more “creative evolution” than “human replacement.” In this blog we take you step-by-step through the process of writing last week's blog post about why branding is worth the investment for your business.


Come along on my ChatGPT copywriting journey!

There’s a ton of buzz around this new open AI called ChatGPT. Some are even calling it the death of the professional human copywriter. <insert Psycho soundtrack>

That would be bad for me, if it were true. But it’s not. I want to show you how it works, what about it is fantastic, and why the human element is still helpful.

Let’s start by typing a query into the chat bar… 

Take 1: Getting started


Explain why investing in creative for your business is a good strategy in the long term.

Generated answer 1:

Investing in creativity for your business can be a great long-term strategy for several reasons:

  1. Differentiation: Creativity can help differentiate your business from competitors by creating unique products, services, and marketing campaigns. This differentiation can help your business stand out and attract customers.
  2. Brand Identity: Investing in creative branding can help create a strong brand identity that resonates with customers. A well-designed logo, website, and marketing materials can help build trust and recognition among customers.
  3. Customer Engagement: Creative marketing campaigns can help engage customers and build a loyal customer base. Creative campaigns can generate excitement, interest, and emotion, which can lead to long-term customer relationships.
  4. Innovation: Creativity can lead to innovative solutions and new business opportunities. By encouraging creativity within your organization, you can discover new ways to improve products, services, and business processes.
  5. Adaptability: In today's rapidly changing business environment, being creative and adaptable is essential. By investing in creativity, you can develop a mindset that embraces change and innovation, making your business more resilient to external challenges and disruptions.

Overall, investing in creativity can help your business achieve long-term success by differentiating your brand, engaging customers, promoting innovation, and building a strong and adaptable organization.

Amy commentary: Cool answer! And a lot of this is usable information. Unfortunately, it’s not exactly what I was looking for. I typed in “creative” but that isn’t a term ChatGPT is familiar with, so it changed it to “creativity.” I’m going to make an adjustment to try and steer it back on course.

Take 2: Quick fix?

Adjustment 1:

Change creativity to website, branding, media, and messaging

Generated answer 2:

Investing in creativity for your business can yield several benefits in the long run. Here are some reasons why:

  1. Stand out from the competition: A creative and unique approach can set your business apart from your competitors. By investing in creative ideas, you can differentiate yourself and capture the attention of potential customers who might otherwise overlook your brand.
  2. Build brand recognition and loyalty: Creative marketing campaigns, branding, and content can help to build your brand recognition and increase brand loyalty. This can lead to repeat business and positive word-of-mouth marketing.
  3. Increase customer engagement: Creative content and marketing strategies can help to engage customers and keep them interested in your brand. This can lead to more social media shares, likes, and comments, which can increase your visibility and reach.
  4. Boost sales and revenue: Creative marketing campaigns can be highly effective in increasing sales and revenue. By standing out from the competition and engaging customers, you can create a strong emotional connection with them, which can lead to increased sales.
  5. Foster innovation and growth: By investing in creativity, you encourage innovation and growth within your business. This can lead to new product or service offerings, improved customer experiences, and increased market share.

Overall, investing in creativity for your business can help you to differentiate yourself from your competitors, build brand recognition and loyalty, increase customer engagement, boost sales and revenue, and foster innovation and growth.

Amy commentary: Okay, ChatGPT. Another great response. But it wasn’t able to process the adjustment I was trying to make, so I’m going to go back to the beginning and change the query.

Take 3: JK. Starting over.

Query Change (Q2):

Explain why investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website for your business is a good idea in the long run.

Generated Answer Q2.1

Investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website for your business is essential in the long run for several reasons:

  1. Build brand recognition and trust: Consistent messaging and branding help establish your brand identity and build recognition among potential customers. A strong brand identity and messaging can also help build trust with your target audience, making it easier for them to do business with you.
  2. Reach a wider audience: Having a website and utilizing media such as social media, email marketing, and content marketing can help you reach a larger audience than traditional advertising methods. It can help you connect with your target audience in a way that is more personalized and engaging.
  3. Increase sales: A well-designed website with compelling messaging and branding can help convert visitors into customers. The more professional and trustworthy your website appears, the more likely people will be to make a purchase or do business with you.
  4. Stand out from competitors: In today's digital age, having a strong online presence can set you apart from competitors who are not investing in their branding and messaging. A well-designed website, active social media accounts, and consistent branding can help you stand out and attract customers.
  5. Long-term investment: Investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website is a long-term investment in your business. It can help you build a strong foundation for your brand that will continue to pay off in the future. By consistently delivering your message and strengthening your brand identity, you can build a loyal customer base that will continue to do business with you for years to come.

In summary, investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website for your business is crucial for building a strong brand identity, reaching a wider audience, increasing sales, standing out from competitors, and making a long-term investment in your business.

Amy commentary: Heyo! There we go! This is a terrific technical answer. But it reads a bit like an essay that a music performance major wrote in their required marketing class. Let’s make an adjustment.

Take 4: Chill, ChatGPT.

Adjustment 1: 

Make the tone more casual

Generated Answer Q2.2:

Sure, let me try to explain it in a more casual tone.

So, investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website for your business is a great idea in the long run. Here's why:

Firstly, it helps you create a unique identity for your brand that people can easily recognize and trust. When your brand looks and sounds consistent across all channels, it makes it easier for people to remember you and feel confident doing business with you.

Secondly, by having a website and using social media, email marketing, and content marketing, you can reach more people than you ever could with traditional advertising methods. Plus, it's more personal and engaging, which means you can build a stronger connection with your target audience.

Thirdly, if your website is well-designed and your messaging is on point, you're more likely to convert visitors into customers. A professional-looking website with a clear message makes people feel more confident about doing business with you.

Fourthly, investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website can help you stand out from your competitors. In today's digital world, having a strong online presence is essential, and if your brand looks better than your competition, you'll attract more customers.

Lastly, investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website is a long-term investment in your business. By consistently delivering your message and building your brand identity, you'll create a loyal customer base that will keep coming back for more.

So, in a nutshell, investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website for your business is definitely worth it in the long run!

This is not terrible! But once you go full-prose, text like this becomes less scannable. Let’s make another adjustment.

Take 5: Cooking with fire.

Adjustment 2: 

Make each individual point a heading.

Generated Answer Q2.3

Sure! Here are the main points broken down as headings:

Build brand recognition and trust:

  • Consistent messaging and branding help establish your brand identity and build recognition among potential customers. A strong brand identity and messaging can also help build trust with your target audience, making it easier for them to do business with you.

Reach a wider audience:

  • Having a website and utilizing media such as social media, email marketing, and content marketing can help you reach a larger audience than traditional advertising methods. It can help you connect with your target audience in a way that is more personalized and engaging.

Increase sales:

  • A well-designed website with compelling messaging and branding can help convert visitors into customers. The more professional and trustworthy your website appears, the more likely people will be to make a purchase or do business with you.

Stand out from competitors:

  • In today's digital age, having a strong online presence can set you apart from competitors who are not investing in their branding and messaging. A well-designed website, active social media accounts, and consistent branding can help you stand out and attract customers.

Long-term investment:

  • Investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website is a long-term investment in your business. It can help you build a strong foundation for your brand that will continue to pay off in the future. By consistently delivering your message and strengthening your brand identity, you can build a loyal customer base that will continue to do business with you for years to come.
Amy commentary: Yessss. I can see the headline now. 5 Reasons Why Creative Is A Great Investment For Your Business. But…now we’ve lost the context.

Take 6: Nearly there.

Adjustment 3: 

Write an intro to these points

Generated Answer Q2.4

In today's competitive business landscape, building a strong brand presence is crucial for success. One effective way to achieve this is by investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website for your business. These elements work together to create a cohesive and professional image that can help you stand out from competitors, reach a wider audience, increase sales, and build a loyal customer base. In this context, we'll explore the main benefits of investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website, and why it's a smart long-term investment for any business.

Amy commentary: Gosh, I mean, I agree with everything there. It lacks personality though, right? Plus, these are still just facts. This whole thing would be a lot more compelling if the writer identified where the reader is coming from. Investing in yourself and your business can be scary. Do you really have what it takes to make it work? What if there’s another global pandemic? Will you make back your investment? Addressing these pain points–even if you don’t have a definitive solution–lets people know you understand them. Let’s ask ChatGPT about that.

Take 7: No pain, no gain.

Adjustment 4: 

What are some reasons why people might not want to invest in media, branding, messaging, and a website for their business?

Generated Answer Q2.5

While investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website can have numerous benefits for a business, some people may hesitate to do so for various reasons. Here are some common reasons why people might not want to invest in these areas:

  1. Cost: Investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website can be expensive, especially for small businesses with limited budgets. Some business owners may believe that they cannot afford to allocate funds for these areas, especially if they do not see an immediate return on investment.
  2. Lack of expertise: Building a website or creating branding and messaging that resonates with customers requires specialized skills that not everyone has. Some business owners may feel overwhelmed by the technical aspects of these areas or lack the expertise to create professional-looking content.
  3. Time constraints: Building a strong online presence and maintaining consistent messaging and branding can take a significant amount of time and effort. Business owners who are already stretched thin may feel that they do not have the time to invest in these areas, especially if they do not see an immediate payoff.
  4. Unclear benefits: Some business owners may not understand the benefits of investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website. They may feel that these areas are not necessary for their business or do not see how they can help them reach their goals.
  5. Fear of change: Finally, some business owners may simply be resistant to change. They may be comfortable with their current approach to marketing and feel hesitant to try new strategies or invest in areas that are outside their comfort zone.

In conclusion, while investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website can be highly beneficial for a business, some people may hesitate to do so due to concerns over cost, expertise, time, perceived benefits, or fear of change.

Amy commentary: Cool, cool, cool. We’ve sort of lost the friendly tone again, but I think I’ve got enough to put something together now.

Take 8: All together now.

In today's competitive business landscape, building a strong brand presence is crucial for success. One effective way to achieve this is by investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website for your business. These elements work together to create a cohesive and professional image that can help you stand out from competitors, reach a wider audience, increase sales, and build a loyal customer base. In this context, we'll explore the main benefits of investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website, and why it's a smart long-term investment for any business. [FROM Q2.4]

While investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website can have numerous benefits for a business, some people may hesitate to do so for various reasons. Here are some common reasons why people might not want to invest in these areas:

  1. Cost: Investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website can be expensive, especially for small businesses with limited budgets. Some business owners may believe that they cannot afford to allocate funds for these areas, especially if they do not see an immediate return on investment.
  2. Unclear benefits: Some business owners may not understand the benefits of investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website. They may feel that these areas are not necessary for their business or do not see how they can help them reach their goals. [FROM Q2.5]

Build brand recognition and trust:

  • Consistent messaging and branding help establish your brand identity and build recognition among potential customers. A strong brand identity and messaging can also help build trust with your target audience, making it easier for them to do business with you.

Reach a wider audience:

  • Having a website and utilizing media such as social media, email marketing, and content marketing can help you reach a larger audience than traditional advertising methods. It can help you connect with your target audience in a way that is more personalized and engaging.

Increase sales:

  • A well-designed website with compelling messaging and branding can help convert visitors into customers. The more professional and trustworthy your website appears, the more likely people will be to make a purchase or do business with you.

Stand out from competitors:

  • In today's digital age, having a strong online presence can set you apart from competitors who are not investing in their branding and messaging. A well-designed website, active social media accounts, and consistent branding can help you stand out and attract customers.

Long-term investment:

  • Investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website is a long-term investment in your business. It can help you build a strong foundation for your brand that will continue to pay off in the future. By consistently delivering your message and strengthening your brand identity, you can build a loyal customer base that will continue to do business with you for years to come. [FROM Q2.3]

So, in a nutshell, investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website for your business is definitely worth it in the long run! [FROM Q2.2]

Amy commentary: I was hoping for something slightly punchier, so I’m going to dig into edits myself now.

Final Blog Post

Investing in yourself and your business can feel scary–but the right investments can pay dividends over time. Fresh branding, compelling messaging, eye-catching media, and a website experience that’s both intuitive and secure are foundations for future success. These elements work together to create a cohesive and professional image that can help you stand out from competitors, reach a wider audience, increase sales, and build a loyal customer base. 

Building a strong brand presence is crucial in today’s competitive landscape. Below we’ll explore the four huge benefits of investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website, and why it's a smart long-term investment for any business.

Building brand recognition and trust:

  • You want people to remember you, right? Consistent messaging and branding help establish your brand identity and build recognition among potential customers. A strong brand identity and messaging can also help build trust with your target audience, making it easier for them to do business with you.

Reaching a wider audience:

  • Having a website and other outlets such as social media, email marketing, and content marketing can help you reach a larger audience than traditional advertising methods. It can help you connect with your target audience in a way that is more personalized and engaging.

Increasing sales:

  • A well-designed website with compelling messaging and branding and high-res imagery can help convert visitors into customers. The more professional and trustworthy your website appears, the more likely people will be to make a purchase or do business with you. That’s just science.

Standing out from the crowd:

  • In today's digital age, a strong online presence is a must-have, and can set you apart from competitors who are not investing in their branding and messaging. A well-designed website, active social media accounts, and consistent branding can help you stand out and attract customers.

There you have it– investing in media, branding, messaging, and a website for your business is clearly worth it in the long run. By consistently delivering your message and strengthening your brand identity, you can build a loyal customer base that will continue to do business with you for years to come. 

Amy commentary: Okay–I’m pretty happy with that! Now on to my thoughts about ChatGPT.

In Conclusion

I have to tell you that…I’m in love with it. Did it take a while to get to what I wanted? Yeah. Did it make it perfect for me? No. But even though I only have one “pro” listed in my pros/cons list below–it is profound in its usefulness. This is creative evolution I can get behind.

  • Eliminates blank page syndrome. This is the biggest pro to open source AI by far. Have you ever heard the saying, “You can’t edit the blank page?” ChatGPT and other AIs (I also use one called QuickWrite) make the blank page a thing of the past.
  • It doesn’t read your mind. You may have to ask a few questions and make some adjustments to get to the heart of the content you’re looking for. (It took me 40 minutes to write this blog post with the assistance of ChatGPT.)
  • It’s not you. While you can adjust the tone of the responses–the AI isn’t you and won’t sound like you unless you make it sound like you.

It’s also worth noting that according to ChatGPT itself, the AI…

“May occasionally generate incorrect information. May occasionally produce harmful instructions or biased content. Has Limited knowledge of world and events after 2021.”

What do you think? Are we one step away from HAL 9000 or are you excited for the possibilities of open source AI? Do you just want to chat about ChatGPT in general? We'd love to hear from you.