Since the beginning of time, stories have been passed down, revised and retold. Whether it be the books our parents read to us before bed or moments in history. 

Although we may recognize their prevalence, stories continue to be a large part of our lives. This is especially true in the world of business. In fact, telling your business's story is crucial in creating and maintaining a client base.

A good story is thought-provoking and has the ability to capture the attention of others. In his book Building a StoryBrand: Clarify Your Message So Customers Will Listen, author Donald Miller says, "Story is the greatest weapon we have to combat noise, because it organizes information in such a way that people are compelled to listen." In other words, your business's story should be able to drown out any outside messages, allowing people to grasp onto what you have to say.

Your business's story also has the potential to educate, or get into deeper detail about what it is you do and how you can help others achieve goals and overcome obstacles. For example, if you're looking to hire a contractor for a home renovation, you want to learn more about information like their credentials and what they can specifically do for you. Simply stating "I've been a certified home contractor for 15 years" doesn't cut it. Specify what you can do and how your skills and services benefit clients.

We urge you to take a look at your story, make sure it has the power to capture the attention and educate people. Stay tuned next month when we do a deep dive into brand voice, what it is, and how you can develop yours.

Maddie Szczerba is our IFC Collegiate Messaging Intern. She is currently majoring in Strategic Public Relations and minoring in Business Communication. When she’s not in the office you can find her sipping on an iced chai, scouring Hulu for another show to binge-watch, or venturing across Cedar Falls with friends.