Socially responsible brands are at the forefront of today’s market as consumers are becoming extremely conscious of their buyer’s impact and how it affects the economy, environment, and society as a whole. Many brands work to improve their social mission through their branding efforts to communicate social responsibility to their audiences. In a larger picture: If you buy from us - here’s what we’ll do for you. Consumers are becoming increasingly more aware of brands to promote and utilize as we navigate the realms of social responsibility.
Here are a few brands to recognize and their socially responsible efforts:
Dr Bronner’s Soap: Dr Bronner’s is currently the top-selling brand of organic soap in the United States. You may recognize their extremely colorful and iconic packaging of this family-owned business. Their profits are used to promote positive social change, as they are within the top 10% of Certified Corps. They utilize education initiatives and fair trade projects to help aide their goals of fair treatment of farmers and workers.
Ben & Jerry’s Ice Cream: Ben & Jerry’s has been around since the 1980’s promoting many important social causes which they use their ice cream to tie into the overall theme. The Ben & Jerry’s Foundation is a Social Justice Organization focused on supporting grassroots initiatives in the United States. Being based from Vermont, they heavily focus on grant programs that benefit and support the citizens of the states.
Consumers generally feel as though they are able to trust and be loyal to brands that provide socially responsible missions. Customers are able to form relationships with brands that instill positive society change. More times than not, they are willing to repeat purchases they know support good causes - such as Dr. Bronner’s soaps or Ben and Jerry’s ice cream. In a competitive market, it may be the outlier that causes a consumer to pick one brand over the other.